My Year of Yes!


It is the things we don't do or put off for later that we are said to regret at the end of our lives. Well, I decided to say "yes" to as many things as possible from here on out.

Especially after a year of saying "no" to so many things for the protection of ourselves and others, here's what I'm saying "yes" to this year and from now on:

  • Yes, to staying grateful for being humble and resilient through one of the most challenging moments in modern time.

  • Yes, to remaining thankful for the people who enrich our lives. Our neighbors, teachers, staff at my favorite restaurants, and most importantly, nurses, doctors, and health care providers were helpful during our time of need.

  • Yes, to voting in my community and my best interests. When we come out and show up, we can make monumental changes.

  • Yes, to prioritizing my health. Being vigilant about recognizing changes to and improving my physical and mental health is key to a long healthy life.

  • Yes, to fighting systemic racism and educating others about what it means to be anti-racist in the art world.

  • Yes, to pushing myself to learn and master new skills since I've seen how quickly the world can change during this pandemic. I must be open-minded to exploring new ways to approaching business and creative practices.

  • Yes, to supporting and advocating art and recognizing art is a tool to drive change, capture emotions, and promote the truth.

What is on your "yes" list this year?